
Showing posts from January, 2018

Recommendations for Christmas

Hi readers! In this post, taking into account that the christmas are around the corner I’m going to recommend you two films to watch and one book to read. The two films I’m going to recommend you are “Handia” and “Un monstruo viene a verme” and the book I recommend you is “El niño con el pijama de rayas” I am going to start recommending the film “Handia” that was premiere on the 20th of october 2017 in Spain. Is directed by Aitor Arregi and Jon Garaño. The film goes on for 114 minutes and is not recommended for children under 12 years old. This film is based on real events. Tells the story of two brothers, Martin and Joaquin. Martin, that is the older brother, returns to his home to Gipuzkoa after having fought in the First Carlist War, and discovers that his little brother is the highest man of that time measuring more than two meters. A cause of that they travel to exhibit through Europe. But finally the fame, ambition and money changed their destiny forever. I rec